Click a tab below to meet the staff & legacy team at Shiloh CM




  • Angela & Ryan Sedore
    Angela: Children's Pastor | Ryan: Elder

    Pastor Angela serves as Children's Pastor and Ryan serves as an Elder.  She is a graduate of Oral Roberts University, the University of Arizona, and Texas Bible Institute.  Ryan graduated from Canadian Bible College and Simon Fraser University.  Pastor Angela has great experience in education, serving as teacher, principal, and counselor.   She now oversees Shiloh Kids and our Nursery ministry.  Ryan is a teacher and coach. They have a big heart to adopt and to foster children. They are parents to five amazing children:  Malachi, Hazel, Cameron, Olivia, & Grace.

  • Jack Hidecker
    Jack: Associate/Youth Pastor

    Pastor Jack serves full-time as Associate Pastor with emphasis in Church Administration and Youth Ministry. He attended Central Bible College in Missouri. Pastors Jack was ordained as a Pastor at Shiloh in March of 2021. He is married to Christina and they have three beautiful children: Kadin, Landen, and Avery.

  • Tamra & Shaun Fowler
    Tamra: Finance Director

    Tamra is our Finance Director.  She and Shaun both graduated from Shiloh Christian School.  They are excellent servants and a very important part of our church family.  For 20 years, they served as armor bearers (personal assistants) to our founding pastors Joseph and Carolyn Tumpkin. They have two children who are grown and married and they are enjoying being grandparents.


Legacy Team

  • Pastors Joseph & Carolyn
    Legacy Team

    Pastor Emeritus, Dr. Joseph L Tumpkin, along with his wife Pastor Carolyn Tumpkin, retired from full-time pastoring in October 2017, having served Shiloh, Fort Huachuca and Sierra Vista for four decades. While enjoying their retirement they remain prayerfully devoted to supporting Pastors Erick, Raquel and Shiloh. Married over 55 years, they are truly grateful for their precious family of three married children, seven grandchildren and two great grandchildren.

  • Pastor Denny & Perdy Medeiros
    Legacy Team

    Pastor Denny was assistant pastor to Pastor Joseph and retired in 2013.  A graduate of the University of Arizona, served as an educator for 45 years he was also the principal of Shiloh Christian School.  While raising four children of their own, he and Perdy always felt a call to minister to children, adopting and fostering many children.  When not at home in Sierra Vista, Pastor Denny and Perdy like to travel the country in their RV.

  • Pastor Jim & Rose Hoston
    Legacy Team

    Pastor Jim and his wife, Rose, were among the several elders who founded Shiloh Ministries in 1978.  He retired as a Lieutenant Colonel from the US Army and she retired as a teacher.  Following his subsequent ordination, he served as a staff pastor at Shiloh for more than 20 years.  He currently serves as Shiloh Pastor of Prayer, heading a vibrant ministry which enlists many different types of prayer groups.  In addition, he and Rose each lead a Connection Group.  They enjoy spending time with their two children and three grandchildren.

  • Atticus & Marge Register
    Atticus: Pastor of Outreach and Missions & Marge: Prophetic Voice

    Pastor, Dr. Atticus Register, along with his wife Pastor Marge Register, met Pastor Emeritus, Dr. Joseph Tumpkin and his Wife, Pastor Carolyn Tumpkin in Mannheim Germany at Sullivan Barracks Chapel in 1973. After receiving an invitation from Dr. Joseph Tumpkin, Pastor, Dr. Atticus along with his wife Pastor Marge accepted the invitation and joined the Staff of Shiloh Christian Ministries in October 1996. After serving at Shiloh in many capacities, in the Sierra Vista Community and Overseas Missions for more than 27 years  they retired [refired] from full-time ministry at Shiloh in December of 2023. While being sent out, Shiloh remains their home church, they continue ministering  locally, nationally and around the globe as Crossroads Outreach Ministries International. The Lord imparted to the Registers a vision for Crossroads in 1991. After God confirmed their call in a series of revival meetings at Shiloh in 1998; today they are fulfilling their destiny and call. God has anointed them and is using them in “Igniting Revival Fires”, in healing, restoration and as a prophetic voice in the Kingdom of God everywhere they go.



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